Kids Write Love Letters To The Homeless To Show They ‘Are Not Alone’ For Valentine’s Day

Kids in the U.K. sent some love to those who need it most for Valentine’s Day.

A group of students from Merchant Taylors’ School recently wrote sweet letters of compassion to homeless people as part of the project Wrapping Liverpool in Love.

Their sweet notes were attached to scarves and hung around the city on Sunday so that people in need would know they’re cared for on the holiday of love, Michelle Langan, who started the initiative, told The Huffington Post.

A letter, written by a Merchant Taylors’ School student, offering comforting words to the homeless. 

“We will all keep you in our prayers. You are not alone,” reads one of the messages, attached to the winter wear. “I hope this keeps you warm. We are all behind you.”

According to ABC News, about 150 kids between ages 8 and 9 participated in the project. Langan told HuffPost that the students wrote the letters in their spare time.

Sweet letters written by students for Valentine’s Day. 

Some offered messages of assurance.

“Stay safe, stay warm and know you’re loved,” reads one note.

Others wrote words that weren’t so realistic, however still brought across the kids’ message of love.

“I hope superheroes will help you.”

A very creative message from a caring student. 

Langan told HuffPost that she was inspired to create the project after hearing about a similar concept in Canada. She began collecting scarves with the help of donations, buying others from charity shops. Then, she decided to get kids involved to both educate them on the subject of homelessness, as well as add an additional element of kindness. She visited their school to spread awareness around the subject and then encouraged them to write the “love” letters. It was clear from the start that the students were committed to helping.

Sweet messages from students, attached to scarves. 

“The kids really took the project to heart, and thought carefully about how their messages could raise someone’s spirits,” Langan told HuffPost. “They asked a lot of questions about homelessness, and were very thoughtful about what they could do to help.”

While the scarves would help keep those in need warm, the messages, Langan explained, would hopefully help uplift them.

A recipient of the students’ messages and scarves. 

“If they can get a scarf with a lovely little message from a child, letting them know someone’s thinking about them, it might make someone homeless feel happier for a couple of hours,” Langan told the Liverpool Echo. “And it’s so cold at the moment hopefully they’ll be a bit warmer too.”

The notes certainly did not disappoint. Langan told HuffPost that when she went to distribute the scarves around the area, with help from a group of volunteers, she was met with appreciation.

“One homeless man put on the scarf right away and carefully tucked the card in his rucksack,” she noted. “He said it meant a lot to know that people cared.”

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